Agnes Armstrong, Elaine Petry, and the late I. Lucille Price are three of eight sisters who used the stage as a tool of hope for the last forty years. They are greatly supported by spouses, siblings, and children. Their diverse personalities, saturated in God’s light, convulses the world of dark bondage as they wield the Arts for His glory and release gifts, talents, and creativity on stage. Their concentricity of purpose is focused on building steps that those who come behind them can climb. Positive message plays, workshops, and programs continue to launch tomorrow’s heroes. Since 1982, they have developed the raw talents of neighborhood children and adults of all ages. Through song, dance, drama, poetry, art, and writings, the gifts of creativity flow without boundaries touching the deepest point of the soul and spirit. Original scripts have brought humor, healing, hope, and enhancements to communities in New York and along the Eastern Seaboard.
Sisters' Circle. lnc. -
Organizational Profile
Sisters' Circle, lnc. (SCl) although comprised of numerous components, has one vision. SCI engages the community for the enhancement of wellbeing using the arts and life building programs.
The purpose is summarized in the Mission Statement:
"Our mission is to use the stage as a tool to cultivate raw talent and to provide a venue for at-risk children, restless teens, adults and senior citizens through stage and musical presentations. We are and will be the conduit of productivity in the community for people from all walks of society. We present the opportunity to develop the whole being through positive message plays and prolific programs."
SCI was founded in 1982 by three of eight sisters with the production of an original musical play. Born in the country in the 40's and 50's with no electricity or running water, modern amenities were not missed as their parents provided lamps and fresh well water. For entertainment, their living room became a stage for singing, music, and games. The sisters' passion and memory of the love and growth stored in their past birthed the organization. The first work on stage with teens and at-risk children had astounding results. it inspired them to continue with concentricity of purpose that focused on life-building steps for those who come behind them to climb. The stage became a platform for healing through song, dance, drama, poetry, art, writings, and workshops that addressed current and challenging issues such as substance abuse, gangs, bullying, and more.